The MBA programme is designed to train social entrepreneurs to design and implement sustainable social business models that solve the most pressing social problems of our time through a positive transformative impact. It is a unique interdisciplinary program that combines philosophical, ethical and practical learning in social entrepreneurship implementing a contemporary business curriculum in response to the prevailing social problems.
The social areas of focus are: Green Economy & Renewable Energy; Healthcare; Education and Training; Agri-Business; ICT & Mobile Technology and Business Services. Our unique mode of delivery includes boot camps, business coaching and Mentorship to provide support for business model testing, action research, development of actual business plans & linking learners to the business community.
The Master of Arts in African studies is imbued with a sense of training and producing transformed and transformative graduates. Graduates who fulfill the society’s need to have highly trained Africanists who can respond from an African perspective as community leaders with compassion as spiritual guides to all on going socio-cultural events and issues. This is achieved through systematically teaching African cultural knowledge and activities through its major themes and domains in such a manner that all learners not only understand and appropriate but are also able to articulate an African viewpoint on contemporary realities in an adult, professional way.
The MA in social transformation is the first Master’s degree in Social Transformation in Africa. It is designed to provide learners with skills to design innovative and practical solutions to address contemporary problems that hinder transformation of the continent. It is a unique program that transforms one’s vision as a change maker into reality and enable authentic leaders to play their role effectively and realize needed transformation in society.
This is the first PhD in Social Transformation in East, Central and West Africa that offers skills for individuals to develop skills to influence change in the society. It brings together theory and action and turns them into a practice that transforms society. It focusses on social transformation of socio-economic, and political structures, people mindset, attitudes and values.
For Africa to shape the future of its societies, it is crucial to train professional leaders in governance, economic planning, social policy, organizations, peacebuilding and sustainable development. The social transformation leaders acquire the knowledge, tools and competences to engage and transform the complex realities of the society. They create the space communities work to unfold their own transformative initiatives through collaboration.