Category: Professional Courses



Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) and Computable General Equilibrium Modelling

Purpose of the course is to learn how to use, interpret and modify existing CGE models in order to simulate the medium-run impact of various microeconomic policies on some key variables.


Macroeconometric Modeling using Eviews

Purpose of the course is to learn how to use and modify existing macroeconometric models in order to simulate the impact of macro policies on the evolution of some key macro variables.


Social Innovation and Effective Organizational leadership

Tangaza University College’s Institute for Social transformation in collaboration with the University at Buffalo offers a 1 year certification on Social Innovation and Effective Organizational leadership.
The University at Buffalo based in New York is a premier, research-intensive public university dedicated to academic excellence and making a positive impact on the world. It’s a top choice for students and faculty around the globe. Tangaza University has therefore collaborated with the University at Buffalo Center for Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness to offer you the best!